Fotógrafos para eventos

tanger 46, 08018, Barcelona (Barcelona)


Fotógrafo para lookbooks, eventos o arquitectura prestando atención a los detalles y el entorno y editando afín a la necesidad del proyecto. Mi concepto de "Slowlifephoto" es precisamente esto, entregar un trabajo que refleja la realidad con sumo cuidado, sensibilidad y detenimiento. Nada será casual.

We're going too fast and we look down too much. We need time to breathe, observe, identify the importance of small movements and things and be conscious of your surroundings Traveling around the world, walking through your neighborhood or collaborating with people that has something special, it the perfect moment for breathing, smiling and being thankful while doing photos, that’s my vision. This is /slowlifephoto/


  • Fotógrafos para eventos.

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